International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) - Implementation in Switzerland


Adopted on 18 December 1979
Entered into force: 3 September 1981

RS 0.108 (AS / RO 1999 1577)
Ratified on 27 March 1997
Entered into force in Switzerland: 26 April 1997
Dispatch of 23 August 1995: BBl 1995 IV 901 (in German) / FF 1995 IV 869 (in French)

About the Convention

Text: English / French / German / Italian


Upon ratification, Switzerland made three reservations, of which two were since withdrawn.

Optional Protocol (OP CEDAW): Individual complaints procedure

The OP CEDAW entered into force for Switzerland on 29 December 2008.

Reports by Switzerland

So far, the expert body on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) examined two cycles of periodic reports submitted by Switzerland together. The third report was finished in 2009. The fourth and fifth reports wer handed in together in December 2014. The hearing before the Committee took place in autumn 2016.


  • Contact person at the Federal Administration: Sylvie Durrer, Federal Office for Gender Equality (FOGE), Tel. +41 58 462 79 83, E-mail
  • Contact person NGO:
    NGO-Koordination Post Beijing Schweiz, E-mail